Samurai Girl is a fast-paced Manga-themed adventure taking place in the distant future Tokyo and following the story of Chiaki, a beautiful yet deadly female warrior. Her mission is to save the city from a zombie samurai army assembled by the Evil Shogun, while your task is to give your best to stop this ferocious phenomenon.
Set in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, the game is built on 5 reels, 3 rows and has no less than 12348 ways to score a big win. When a zombie appears and Chiaki brings it down by the sword, a Multiplier will be added to the Multiplier Meter later applied to your line win.
There is also a bunch of other rewarding features including the Samurai Girls Free Spins round – a mini interactive game where you need to touch the green virus three times. When you finally manage, the exact number of the Pandemic Free Spins will be revealed.
Also, the Wild Reel feature is a pretty much standard nowadays granting more winning chances with a single reel full of Wilds. Speaking of which, you know they will substitute all other items but the Scatter. Moreover, you can score the Samurai Girls Bonus prize in the Boss Battle round. This is where prospective winners get to enjoy additional cash, extra spins and other prizes followed by the eye-catching animation.

Tired of reading? See the Samurai Girl screenshots below and then claim one of the bonus offers of our recommended casinos to play for free or real!

Samurai Girl screenshots

Ganapati Samurai Girl Slot Review

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Play Samurai Girl at the best Ganapati casinos online - reviewed and approved! Our recommendation is based on a wide range of aspects: they are accepting international customers, offer a broad range of payments for you, i.e. MasterCard, Neteller or EcoPayz, and provide plenty of games from Ganapati as well as other providers Lightning Box, BGaming or Endorphina

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